
Stylizer download
Stylizer download

To include them, list their module names in the plugins option. Stylizer supports stylus plugins like nib. This means css will autorefresh without a page reload, which is great for development/prototyping.Ĭurrently, watch should be a glob matching your stylus files that you want to be watched, e.g: /path/to/stylus/files/**/*.styl. If development: true and watch: is defined, live reload events will be sent to connected browsers running the livereload chrome extension. Create a css file which, on a stylus build failure, hides your app body and replaces it with something like this to help you spot stylus errors easily:.Not propagate exceptions, to keep your dev server running.Sv.Var templatizer = require ( 'templatizer' ) var librariesDir = _dirname + '/libraries' var stylesheetsDir = _dirname + '/public/css' var stylizer = require ( 'stylizer' ) var moonbootsConfig moonbootsConfig = Development mode ScrollViewer sv = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild (dp, 0) as ScrollViewer String strLine = Text.Substring (iOffset, iOffsetNext - iOffset) ĭrawingContext.DrawText (formattedText, new Point (leftMargin, topMargin - this.VerticalOffset)) ĭependencyObject dp = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild (this, 0) Int iOffsetNext = GetCharacterIndexFromLineIndex (iIdx + 1) Int iOffset = GetCharacterIndexFromLineIndex (iIdx) Int iEndVisibleLine = GetLastVisibleLineIndex () įor (int iIdx = iStartVisibleLine iIdx <= iEndVisibleLine - 1 ++iIdx) Int iStartVisibleLine = GetFirstVisibleLineIndex () ***formattedText.MaxTextWidth = this.ViewportWidth // space for scrollbar***įormattedText.MaxTextHeight = Math.Max (this.ActualHeight + this.VerticalOffset, 0) //Adjust for scrollingĭrawingContext.PushClip (new RectangleGeometry (new Rect (0, 0, this.ActualWidth, this.ActualHeight))) //restrict text to textbox Protected override void OnRender ( drawingContext)įormattedText formattedText = new FormattedText (īaseForeground) //Text that matches the textbox'sĭouble leftMargin = 4.0 + ĭouble topMargin = 2 + Void txtTest_TextChanged (object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) New FrameworkPropertyMetadata (new SolidColorBrush (Colors.Black), FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsRender))

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Public static DependencyProperty BaseForegroundProperty = DependencyProperty.Register ("BaseForeground", typeof (Brush), typeof (CodeBox), This.TextWrapping = īase.TextWrapping = This.Background = new SolidColorBrush (Colors.Transparent) This.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush (Colors.Transparent) This.TextChanged += new TextChangedEventHandler (txtTest_TextChanged) SolidColorBrush m_brBlack = new SolidColorBrush (Colors.Black) SolidColorBrush m_brOrange = new SolidColorBrush (Colors.Orange) SolidColorBrush m_brRed = new SolidColorBrush (Colors.Red)

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Stylizer download code#

The rest (that has been reomved) is just code that does more text-coloring. This is the code-behind C#, lengthy, but it has been trimmed down to only enough to show what's going on. I'm fairly new to WPF and there's much to it that is still mysterious to me, so the solution may be obvious to someone with more experience with it. "formattedText.MaxTextWidth = this.ViewportWidth // space for scrollbar" I've tracked the problem to a line in OnRender: The scrollbar is visible and it changes the size of the drag button to show that it sees that the unwrapped text is wider than the viewing area, but since the text has already been wrapped, dragging it doesn't make any difference. I've tried adding a horizontal scrollbar but that doesn't help. In a normal TextBox, simply setting the TextWrapping property to NoWrap does the trick, but not with CodeBox (which inherits from TextBox in code-behind). I've used the CodeBox project from CodeProject and it works very well except for the fact that I can't disable text wrapping.

Stylizer download